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Bacone College - Billie R. Tower Nursing
Program (ADN, BSN):"Bacone College offers two nursing programs.
The first is an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Nursing (ADN) and the second is
an accelerated Bachelor of Science Degree
program in Nursing (BSN). The ADN program
has two tracks: a two-year track and an LPN
to RN track (Career Advancement for Practical
Nurses [CAPN]). The ADN program is approved
by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing." *****************************************************
Baker University School of Nursing (BSN):"Nursing students at Baker University are
earning their Bachelor of Science in Nursing
within the liberal arts tradition. Students
pursue their professional studies after having
developed a strong foundation in the humanities
and fine arts and the social and biological
sciences, so that they may successfully meet
the demands of professional nursing education."
Bakersfield College:"Registered nursing education prepares the
graduate to provide services to those who
need healthcare. As needs are varied so are
educational programs, which may proceed from
the simpler to the more complex in accordance
with the career ladder concept. The progression
reads: nurse assistant, licensed vocational
nurse, registered nurse, and other nurses
with Bachelor of Science, Master of Science
or Doctorate in Nursing and special certifications."
Ball State University / School of Nursing:"Ball State's baccalaureate, and master's
degree programs are accredited by the National
League for Nursing (NLNAC), 61 Broadway,
New York, New York, 10006, (800) 669-9656,
ext. 153. All nursing programs include University
Core Curriculum courses, prerequisite supporting
courses, and professional education courses
in nursing."
Baltimore City Community College / Department
of Nursing (ADN):"The Associate degree Nursing (ADN) Program
prepares itsgraduates to take the licensing
examination (NCLEX-RN) to become registered
nurses in the State of Maryland. The ADN
Program is on the RN-to-BSN Validation List
which permits graduates to transfer without
loss of credit to any State of Maryland institution
to earn a BSN. The ADN program isaccredited
by the National League for Nursing Accrediting
Baptist College of Health Sciences / Nursing Program (BSN, LPN to BSN):"Nursing education has been a key emphasis of Baptist Memorial Hospital since 1912, as evidenced by the fact that the School of Nursing opened its doors at this same time. Approximately 4,700 diploma nurses graduated from the school and are employed through the United States and abroad. The last diploma class graduated in 1997.Baptist College now offers professional nursing education through the baccalaureate program. The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) accredits this program. The Baccalaureate in Nursing Science program provides a quality liberal and profession education that enables individuals to become skilled, caring healthcare practitioners who value lifelong learning and can meet the health care need of the communities in which they practice. Three tracks are available. One track is for the generic student just beginning a four-year degree, offered through a traditional day or night/weekend curriculum plan. The second is LPN-BSN track for licensed practical nurses. The third is the RN-BSN track for licensed nurses." Baptist College of Health Sciences 1003 Monroe Memphis, TN 38104 Phone: (901) 575-BCHS or (1-866) 575-BCHS E-mail: *****************************************************
Baptist Health System / Schools of Nursing
(LVN to RN, Diploma Nursing):"The Baptist Health System School of Health
Professions evolved from a private cluster
of health science schools sponsored by the
Baptist Health System. The School of Nursing
was the first school, chartered in 1903.
Surgical Technology followed in 1955, Medical
Imaging Technology in 1959, and Vocational
Nursing in 1988. Baptist Health System has
a reputation for graduating highly competent
and caring graduates."
Barry University School of Nursing:"The School of Nursing's undergraduate nursing
program offers a BSN program option designed
to prepare students to become beginning professional
nurses, and a RN to BSN program option designed
for diploma and associate degree RN's. Our
MSN program positions graduates to assume
leadership roles in nursing administration,
nursing education, and as nurse practitioners.
The Ph.D. program prepares students to be
nurse scientists who, upon graduation, will
assume leadership positions in research,
education, and health care systems."
Barton College / School of Nursing (BSN):"The School of Nursing is historically one
of the best nursing programs in the state.
Our nurses consistently score at the very
top on the state board exam, and it's easy
to see why. Our program offers the highest
ratio of clinical-to-classroom hours in the
state. You can talk all you want about nursing;
you can theorize it, analyze it, but if you
don't get out and do it, you won't really
know. Our nursing students receive firsthand
clinical experience at nearby Wilson Medical
Center, as well as at major medical facilities
including Wake Medical Center, Duke University,
UNC-Chapel Hill, and Nash Health Systems.
It's a broad range of experience from community
hospitals to major medical centers."
Welcome to This website is owned, operated by Andrew & Melanie Lopez (RNs). It is our intent for this Alphabetical, A to Z index to be a comprehensive listing (In Progress) of Nursing-related resources on the Internet. It is indexed by Google and fully searchable. We'd ask that if you don't find what you are looking for, kindly contact us! If you are looking for a certain topic, it's likely you are not the only one. We will be adding to this index daily, be sure check back frequently. If your website is not listed here, we encourage you to submit it: Add Your Website/URL, please note, you do not have to install the linking code, to be listed.
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