Lori 'Minky' Radcliffe, RN, BS, CFNC, CFPC, Founder of Certified Fitness Nurse™ Academy, @loriminkyrad:"At CertifiedFitnessNurseCoach.com we are not personal trainers who happen to be nurses. We show nurses how to stay in the health care industry and promote exercise within a 'not-so-healthy' pre-diabetic population;and NOT try to be a nurse in the fitness 'percieved healthy' industry.
Just as waist reduction is 20% exercise and 80% diet; Certified Fitness Nurse™ Coaches are 20% fitness and 80% nursing in our practice. We teach a physical-environmental-financial-social-emotional model... like a nursing assessment.
We offer a 23-hour certification course for nurses who are fitness enthusiasts, who want to help pre-diabetics, with a specifically designed program for them, that will improve their health and reduce their waists in a sustainable manner. This is done through a 12-week group coaching course
via the computer, video and telephone. We also teach you how to get started with only a few clients working part-time, from home and making full time money in a scalable business model. The physician and other health care professionals are actually where we get our clients and we utilize a fitness nursing assessment to determine the right minimum effective dose (M.E.D.) of diet, exercise and supplementation, the right client and the right time, which are the 3 Rights of a Certified Fitness Nurse™ Coach."
Street Address:P.O. Box 398
Eatontown NJ 07724
E-mail Address: info@fitnessnursing.com
Blogs: http://www.certifiedfitnessnursing.com
Social Media (Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, etc) https://www.facebook.com/CertifiedFitnessNurse?sk=wall http://www.linkedin.com/in/loriminkyradcliffe http://www.twitter.com/loriminkyrad
Carol J. Rhodes RN, LNC, Medical-Legal Remedies Inc (MLR):"Medical-Legal Remedies Inc (MLR) provides medical-legal Litigation Support Services for Legal Professionals that include Legal Nurse Consulting, Paralegal Litigation Support, a Medical Information Service called Virtual Legal Nurse and Medical Expert Referral Service for Attorneys, Insurance Companies, Hospital Risk Managers, Government, and Claims Management. MLR MLR's Paralegal Staff and Legal Nurse work together as a team to assist our legal clients with comprehensive medical-legal litigation issues and are committed to serve clients by offering our extensive experience and
expertise to provide specialized high quality medical-legal litigation support services. By utilizing Medical-Legal Remedies Inc Paralegal/Legal Nurse Team allows the litigator to control costs and increase revenues while securing the competitive advantage with superior work products. So whether your firm or company needs a Paralegal, a Legal Nurse, or both - MLR will assist your firm or company with any medical-legal litigation case project."
Carol J. Rhodes RN, LNC
14286-19 Beach Blvd. #248
Jacksonville, FL 32250
(904) 223-3969 Carol@JaxLegalNurse.com or Carol@VirtualLegalNurse.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/carol-j-rhodes/30/81b/685 http://www.jaxparalegal.com/
Tonja S. Rice RN, BSN, LNC:"I am a Legal Nurse Consultant and I am based in Birmingham, Alabama. I have 18 years of nursing experience, 15 of which in cardiac intensive care (transplants, LVAD, aortic balloon pump, CABG's etc.) I accept cases from across the United States that include malpractice, Qui Tam, wrongful death and Medicare fraud to name a few."
1640 Brakewood Drive N.W.
(205) 854-5695 http://www.legalregisterednurse.com/
M. Sharon Rogone RNC, Small Beginnings, :"Thanks For Visiting Us At Small Beginnings..."Where Baby's Needs Are The Motivation To Produce Better Products..."Where Nurse's Needs Bring About Innovative Product Ideas That Eliminate Altering Medical Devices & Are Easier To Use...Where Products Are Developed To Be Less Expensive To Hospitals And Cost Effective As Well."
Small Beginnings Inc.
17525 Alder St. Suite #28 Hesperia, Ca. 92345
Toll Free 800 676-0462
Local # 760 949-7707
Fax # 760 948-1916 http://www.small-beginnings.com/
Angela M Rowe, RN, LNC, GCM, Senior Care Solutions, Alabama Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Senior Care Solutions provides Geriatric Care Management Services to aging adults and their families in Central Alabama. Our goal is to help seniors and disabled individuals to obtain the assistance they need to maintain safety, dignity, and quality of life. Senior Care Solutions provides advocacy, evaluation, education, and support services to seniors in Alabama."
3049 Lansdowne Drive
Montgomery Alabama 36111
Phone number: 334-834-9483
Fax number: 214-279-6602 http://www.nursingentrepreneurs.com/rowe
This website is owned, operated by Andrew & Melanie Lopez (RNs). It is our intent for this Alphabetical, A to Z index to be a comprehensive listing (In Progress) of Nursing-related resources on the Internet. It is indexed by Google and fully searchable. We'd ask that if you don't find what you are looking for, kindly contact us! If you are looking for a certain topic, it's likely you are not the only one. We will be adding to this index daily, be sure check back frequently.
If your website is not listed here, we encourage you to submit it: Add Your Website/URL, please note, you do not have to install the nursingtop10.com linking code, to be listed.
This Page is Part of The Nursefriendly National Nursing A To Z & Consumer Health Directories
We are Incorporated in The State of New Jersey, under the name:
Nursefriendly, Inc.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua, New Jersey (NJ) 08051
Our Phone # 856.415.9617
Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
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