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Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal (AENJ):"The Australasian Emergency
Nursing Journal
(AENJ) is the official journal of the College
of Emergency Nursing Australasia Ltd. It
seeks, through the membership of the College
and subscribers, to provide contemporary,
thought provoking information relevant to
emergency nurses in Australia today." Category: Nursing Journals, Magazines, Newsletters, ****************************************************
Australian Nursing Federation:"The ANF is the national union for nurses and the largest professional nursing organisation in Australia. The ANF's core business is the industrial and professional representation of nurses and nursing through the activities of a national office and branches in every State and Territory." This Link is located in our Nursing Unions, Organized Labor Section: ****************************************************
Category: Medical Equipment & Supplies, Durable Goods ****************************************************
Australian Critical Care (ACC) Journal:"Australian Critical Care is a peer-reviewed
journal, providing clinically relevant research,
reviews and articles of interest to our members.
ACC is published quarterly." Category: Nursing Journals, Magazines, Newsletters, ****************************************************
Australian Electronic Journal of Nursing
Education:"The journal will be a means by
which nurses can share findings, insights,
experience and advice to colleagues involved
in all aspects of the educational process.The
AEJNE seeks to use the advantages of electronic
communication to provide rapid and accessible
information about teaching and learning to
nurses world wide." Category: Nursing Journals, Magazines, Newsletters, ****************************************************
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing:"The AJAN is a quarterly refereed research
journal that publishes original research
and scholarly work that contributes to the
development and understanding of all aspects
of nursing." Category: Nursing Journals, Magazines, Newsletters, ****************************************************
Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing:"The Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing
is a twice yearly international journal combining
refereed and occasional papers with news
items, discussion and debate. The journal
documents the the dynamic and diverse trends
emerging in contemporary holistic practice.
(This journal is no longer being published
but you can request back copies.)" Category: Nursing Journals, Magazines, Newsletters, ****************************************************
Australian Journal of Rural Health:"In 1999 the Australian Journal of Rural Health
became the official journal of the National
Rural Health Alliance, which is the peak
body for rural and remote health organisations
in Australia. Rural health is an important
and dynamic concern in Australia and around
the world." Category: Nursing Journals, Magazines, Newsletters, **************************************************** Australian Nurses
****************************************************** ****************************************************** ******************************************************
PaddedCell (Australian, Psychiatric Nurse):"Let's just say I have an avid interest in the treatment of insanity"
Psychiatric Nurses, Psych, Twitter Nurses, ******************************************************
Welcome to This website is owned, operated by Andrew & Melanie Lopez (RNs). It is our intent for this Alphabetical, A to Z index to be a comprehensive listing (In Progress) of Nursing-related resources on the Internet. It is indexed by Google and fully searchable. We'd ask that if you don't find what you are looking for, kindly contact us! If you are looking for a certain topic, it's likely you are not the only one. We will be adding to this index daily, be sure check back frequently. If your website is not listed here, we encourage you to submit it: Add Your Website/URL, please note, you do not have to install the linking code, to be listed.
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Nursing Chat, Nurse Discussion Forums: ******************************************************
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