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Julie, South Carolina: This Link is located on our Community, Public Health section: ****************************************************
Atlanta Nursing Home Fined For Neglecting Resident Care (October 28, 1997):"The Illinois Department of Public Health has fined Bartmann Nursing Home and Sheltered Care Facility $10,000 for not properly assessing the medical conditions of residents or informing physicians of changes in their patients' conditions. The 87- bed intermediate and sheltered care facility is located at 2282 1275th Ave., Atlanta Category: Nursing Homes, Long Term Care Links ****************************************************
Atlantic Health System: ****************************************************
Attitude Determines Attitude, Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories:"I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important." Category: Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories, ****************************************************
Auburn University at Montgomery, School of
Nursing:"The Nursing Program at Auburn University
Montgomery is a four-year course of study
that leads to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing
(B.S.N.). Within the Nursing courses, there
are classroom, laboratory, and clinical learning
experiences. The clinical experiences are
provided in a variety of health care agencies
in and around Montgomery. Upon successful
completion of the program, the graduate may
apply to the Alabama Board of Nursing to
take the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses. The graduate is also
prepared to pursue graduate study in nursing." Category: Nursing Schools, Colleges of Nursing, ****************************************************
Auburn University School of Nursing:"The Auburn University School of Nursing
(AUSON), established in 1979, is one of the
newest of Alabama's nine publicly supported
baccalaureate nursing programs. As such,
the School has a responsibility to prepare
nurses to deliver health care services in
diverse settings in the state and region
and to provide leadership in health education
and research for the University and the state.
Since many of the rural counties surrounding
Auburn University are designated as medically
underserved areas, the Auburn University
School of Nursing also assumes responsibility
for improving health care access and upgrading
primary, secondary and tertiary health services
for underserved populations." Category: Nursing Schools, Colleges of Nursing, ****************************************************
This Link is located on our Community, Public Health section: ****************************************************
Augustana College / Department of Nursing
(BSN, RN to BSN, MSN):"Baccalaureate graduates are eligible to take
the National Council Licensing Examination
(NCLEX) for state licensure as registered
nurses. They are prepared for a multitude
of entry level positions in the health care
system. Augustana's baccalaureate nursing
program provides the foundation for graduate
study.Graduates of the master's program are
prepared for leadership and interdisciplinary
collaboration to expand current health care
models. They are eligible for certification
in Community Health Nursing and licensure
as an Advanced Practice Nurse in South Dakota."
Category: Nursing Schools, Colleges of Nursing, ****************************************************
Austin Community College / Nursing Programs
(ADN):"Austin Community College has been providing
quality nursing education in central Texas
since 1982. The Associate Degree Nursing
(ADN) Program offers educational tracks designed
for the traditional student, licensed vocational
nurse (LVN), and paramedic. Graduates of
the ADN Program receive an Associate of Applied
Science degree and are eligible to apply
for the registered nurse (RN) licensure examination."
Category: Nursing Schools, Colleges of Nursing, ****************************************************
Austin Peay State University / School of
Nursing (BSN):"The School of Nursing at Austin Peay State
University was founded in 1972 with emphasis
on the preparation of knowledgeable, professional
nurses able to meet present and future health
care needs. The BSN nursing program is approved
by the Tennessee Department of Health, Board
of Nursing and accredited by the National
League for Nursing Accrediting Commission
(NLNAC)." Category: Nursing Schools, Colleges of Nursing, ****************************************************
Welcome to This website is owned, operated by Andrew & Melanie Lopez (RNs). It is our intent for this Alphabetical, A to Z index to be a comprehensive listing (In Progress) of Nursing-related resources on the Internet. It is indexed by Google and fully searchable. We'd ask that if you don't find what you are looking for, kindly contact us! If you are looking for a certain topic, it's likely you are not the only one. We will be adding to this index daily, be sure check back frequently. If your website is not listed here, we encourage you to submit it: Add Your Website/URL, please note, you do not have to install the linking code, to be listed.
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See also: Nursing Degrees, LPN-RN, RN-BSN, RN-MSN, Online/Offline College, University and more!:"Higher income. Career mobility. Now, no matter where you live or what your schedule, you can earn your Associate or Bachelor Degree to take your professional life to the next level — without putting the rest of your life on hold!"
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Nursing Chat, Nurse Discussion Forums: ******************************************************
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