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Association of Rehabilitation Nurses:"We're the number one source for innovation, interaction, and information for over 5,000 rehabilitation and restorative nurses who focus on improving people's functional outcomes. You'll fit right in with our growing, dynamic association." This Link is located on our National Nursing Organizations section ****************************************************
Association of School Nurses of Connecticut:"ASNC is an association made up of school nurses actively involved in school nursing and school administration. We also welcome other registered nurses who are interested in school nursing.
As an association, ASNC belongs to a number of other nursing and school health organizations. Members of the association attend meetings of these organizations regularly and report back to the ASNC executive board." Categories: School Nurses ****************************************************
This Link is located on our Community, Public Health section:
This Link is located on our Community, Public Health section: ****************************************************
This Link is located on our Community, Public Health section: ****************************************************
Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN):"Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is a leader among the nation's nursing associations, serving more than 22,000 health care professionals in the U.S., Canada and abroad.
AWHONN advances the nursing profession by providing nurses with critical information and support to help them deliver the highest quality care for women and newborns. Through educational materials, legislative programs, research and coalition work with like-minded organizations and associations, AWHONN has firmly established itself as the leading association for women's health, obstetric and neonatal nurses." Category: National Nursing Associations, Nurse Organizations ****************************************************
Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) - Canada:"AWHONN Canada currently has over 500 members representing women's health, obstetric and newborn nurses from across the country. AWHONN Canada works to enact AWHONN's mission within Canada. The headquarters for AWHONN are located in Washington D.C. The Canada Section of AWHONN has a national Chair, a Secretary/Treasurer and a Communication Coordinator. The Section is comprised of 5 Chapters:" Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU), Women's Health, Feminine Issues, Obstetrics & Gynecology ******************************************************
Linda Asta, BSN, RN, Urology Nurses Online: Interview with a Nurse Entrepreneur:"Linda Asta, BSN, RN is a urology nurse-entrepreneur, who has created the Asta-Cath®, a device which aids female patients with self-catheterization, and the Feminal®, a female urinal. In 1994 Linda created A+ Medical Products, to develop and market these and other urological products. In this interview Linda answers our questions on a range of topics including product design, FDA regulations for medical devices, and the experience of running her own company. Category: Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses, ****************************************************
Asthma Guide, Bronchodilators: Relieving Asthma Symptoms, WebMD:"One type of medication is used by almost all people with asthma: a bronchodilator. Short-acting bronchodilators are used only as needed as asthma "rescue" medications, while long-acting bronchodilators are used every day to control asthma. Bronchodilators open up the bronchial tubes so that more air can move through. Bronchodilators also help clear mucus from the lungs. As the airways open, the mucus moves more freely and can be coughed out (expelled) more easily." Category: Bronchodilators, Respiratory Drugs, Medications ******************************************************
At Day's End, Religious Poems Touching Stories:""Is anybody happier because you passed his way? The day is almost over and its toiling is through; Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word to you?" Inspirational Categories: Affection, Caring, Friendship, Dependability, Honesty, Reliability, Virtues, Living Life To The Fullest, Love, Caring, Self Esteem, Self Worth, Religious Poems, Christian Stories Category: Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories, ****************************************************, What are the characteristics associated with an adjustment disorder? :"A person with adjustment disorder often experiences feelings of depression or anxiety or combined depression and anxiety. As a result, that person may act out behaviorally against the "rules and regulations" of family, work, or society. In some people, an adjustment disorder may manifest itself in such behaviors as skipping school, unexpected fighting, recklessness, or legal problems. Other people, however, instead of acting out, may tend to withdraw socially and isolate themselves during their adjustment problems. Still others may not experience behavioral disturbances, but will begin to suffer from physical illness. If someone is already suffering from a medical illness, that condition may worsen during the time of the adjustment disorder. People in the midst of adjustment disorders often do poorly in school or at work. Very commonly they begin to have more difficulty in their close, personal relationships." Category: Adjustment Disorder, Symptoms, Symptomatology Database ****************************************************
Welcome to This website is owned, operated by Andrew & Melanie Lopez (RNs). It is our intent for this Alphabetical, A to Z index to be a comprehensive listing (In Progress) of Nursing-related resources on the Internet. It is indexed by Google and fully searchable. We'd ask that if you don't find what you are looking for, kindly contact us! If you are looking for a certain topic, it's likely you are not the only one. We will be adding to this index daily, be sure check back frequently. If your website is not listed here, we encourage you to submit it: Add Your Website/URL, please note, you do not have to install the linking code, to be listed.
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