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Terry Kennedy Arnold, RN, CRRN, CDMS, CCM, CLCP, Life Care Consultants, Inc.: An established medical-legal consulting company specializing in multiple services for the Legal and Insurance fields. Category: Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses, ****************************************************
ARNP Care Archives:"Published continuously since 1989 Edited
by Bob Smithing, MSN, ARNP & Maddy Wiley,
MSN, ARNP." Category: Nursing Journals, Magazines, Newsletters, ****************************************************
Arrow International:"Arrow International combines technology and product innovation to extend the use of catheterization for the diagnosis and treatment of critically ill patients. Arrow disposable critical care catheterization products are used principally to access the central vascular system for administration of fluids, drugs and blood products. These products are also used for patient monitoring, diagnosis and pain management. Market studies indicate that Arrow is a leading supplier of central vascular access catheterization products worldwide. The Company's cardiac care products are used for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute and chronic heart disease." This Link is located on our Medical Equipment & Supplies, Durable Goods section ****************************************************
Arrow International, Central Venous Catheters:"Arrow offers the broadest range of central venous access catheters in the industry. Pioneering innovations like ARROWg+ard® antimicrobial infection protection, Sharps Safety components, Arrow Raulerson® Syringe and Blue FlexTip® are just a few of the features that make Arrow the most trusted name in venous access. Single Lumen, Double Lumen, Triple Lumen, Quad Lumen, Five Lumen, Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter." Category: Central Venous Catheters, Central Lines, Intravenous, IV Infusion Therapy ****************************************************
Arterial blood gas,"Arterial blood gas levels can tell your doctor many things about your lungs. More commonly referred to as ABG's, arterial blood gasses are normally obtained to see the oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, and bicarbonate level in the blood.
How are blood gas samples obtained?
Blood Gases are normally obtained from an artery because arterial blood will give your doctor the best idea of how well your lungs are working. The blood sample is obtained in much the same way that a standard blood sample is taken. The only difference is that most blood samples are taken from a vein and this sample will come from an artery. The amount of discomfort should be about the same as any blood sample that you have given in the past. This blood is usually drawn from your wrist or the inside of your arm just opposite." This Link is located on our Arterial Blood Gases, ABGs, Diagnostic Tests, Laboratory Testing section ******************************************************
Arterial blood gases, ABGs, Discovery Health:"Arterial blood gases, called ABGs, are a series of blood measurements that are ordered as a single test. This test is used mainly to check lung function and acid levels in the body." This Link is located on our Arterial Blood Gases, ABGs, Diagnostic Tests, Laboratory Testing section ******************************************************
Arterial Blood Gases (ABG's), Emergency Clinical Guide:"Normal arterial pH is 7.40. pH is one of the most tightly regulated values in the body - homeostaic mechanisms are in place that maintain the pH to within very tight tolerances. Any variation of more than 0.02 in either direction is a sign of poor control. Blood is considered acidic at values below 7.38 and alkaline at values above 7.42.
The primary processes involved are acidosis and alkalosis - meaning that something is happening to cause the condition in the blood of acidemia or alkalemia. They love to pimp you on the difference between acidosis and acidemia - remember that the first is a process and the second is the resulting condition." This Link is located on our Arterial Blood Gases, ABGs, Diagnostic Tests, Laboratory Testing section ******************************************************
Arterial Blood Gases, ABGs,"Blood gas measurements are used mainly to evaluate the severity of an O2/CO2 or pH imbalance. Your body will try to restore any imbalance by itself, but if you have an overwhelming acute problem or a long-term drain on your body, you may need medical intervention (such as being given concentrated, pure O2 or, in extreme cases, being put on a respirator to gain additional oxygen). If you are on continuing oxygen therapy, your doctor may order blood gas tests to monitor the effectiveness of that therapy." This Link is located on our Arterial Blood Gases, ABGs, Diagnostic Tests, Laboratory Testing section ******************************************************
arterial blood gasses, Patient UK:"arterial blood gasses - also known as or related to abg - arterial blood gas analysis, abg., arterial gases, bg - blood gases, arterial blood gases, arterial blood gases reference intervals." This Link is located on our Arterial Blood Gases, ABGs, Diagnostic Tests, Laboratory Testing section ******************************************************
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