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An Angel Wrote, Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories:"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head; To handle others, use your heart.
Anger is only one letter short of danger." Category: Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories ****************************************************
An Apple A Day, Marriage Jokes, Health & Wellness Humor, Heallthy Living Cartoons, Wellness Comics
Categories: Battle of the Sexes, ******************************************************
An Approach to the Analysis of Arterial Blood Gases and Acid-Base Disorders,, The University of Iowa:"This document is designed to provide a practical approach to arterial blood gas analysis and will provide basic principles for understanding acid-base disturbances commonly encountered in medical practice. Although physiologic equations will appear throughout, the derivation and physiologic basis will not be discussed. Prior background in the physiology of respiratory system and acid-base disturbances is strongly recommended, but not required to complete this section." Category: Arterial Blood Gases, ABGs, Diagnostic Tests, Laboratory Testing, ******************************************************
An Hour of Your Time, Fatherhood Poems, Parenting Stories:"A man came home from work late again, tired and irritated, to find his 5 year old son waiting for him at the door. "Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
"Yeah, sure, what is it?" replied the man.
"Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?" This Link is located in our Inspirational Stories Touching Poems section, ****************************************************
An Irish Friendship Wish, Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories:"May there always be work for your hands to do; May your purse always hold a coin or two;" This Link is located in our Inspirational Stories Touching Poems section, ****************************************************
And God Said No, Religous Poems, Inspirational Stories:"I asked God to take away my pain. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up." This Link is located in our Inspirational Stories Touching Poems section, ****************************************************
Anesthesia Medical Review (AMR), Rosalie A. Richards, CRNA, LNC:"Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist since 1984, Legal Nurse Consultant since 1997, Two years experience as an RN in the ICU and Recovery Room prior to anesthesia,
Clinical experience as a CRNA in a large inner city level 1 trauma and level 3 neonatal/pediatric center, Clinical instructor of CRNA students from Wayne State Michigan program." Category: Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses, ****************************************************
Angel At Work, Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories:"An Angel at work Category: Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories, ******************************************************
Angelo State University / Department of Nursing
(ASN, BSN, MSN):"The Department of Nursing supports the Mission
of Angelo State University by offering undergraduate
and graduate programs that prepare competent
professionals to meet the nursing care needs
of a culturally diverse society. Within a
dynamic health care environment, these programs
facilitate nursing competency through scholarship,
research, evidenced-based practice, leadership,
and service. Recognizing the individual diversity
of learners, the department is committed
to excellence in nursing education by providing
a supportive and caring environment in order
to facilitate personal and professional growth,
educational mobility, and life-long learning." Category: Nursing Schools, Colleges of Nursing, ****************************************************
Angiography Protocols (MR), Starting Intravenous Lines:"Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and MRA is rapidly increasing in popularity and creating new skill requirements for MR technologists. For MR Angiography, as well as MR of the liver, breast, and other applications it is increasingly necessary to inject gadolinium contrast agents dynamically during scanning while the patient is inside the magnet. This requires starting an intravenous line and attaching a long length of tubing that reaches outside the magnet.
It is important to point out that starting an iv is an art-form which is learned with experience accumulated after performing hundreds of iv's. Some patients are easy but many are difficult." Starting An IV Line, Intravenous Therapy, Infusion Resources, ******************************************************
Welcome to This website is owned, operated by Andrew & Melanie Lopez (RNs). It is our intent for this Alphabetical, A to Z index to be a comprehensive listing (In Progress) of Nursing-related resources on the Internet. It is indexed by Google and fully searchable. We'd ask that if you don't find what you are looking for, kindly contact us! If you are looking for a certain topic, it's likely you are not the only one. We will be adding to this index daily, be sure check back frequently. If your website is not listed here, we encourage you to submit it: Add Your Website/URL, please note, you do not have to install the linking code, to be listed.
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Nursing Chat, Nurse Discussion Forums: ******************************************************
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