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Adjustment Disorders, Symptoms,"The
development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor(s) occurring within 3
months of the onset of the stressor(s). These symptoms or behaviors are clinically significant as evidenced by
either of the following: marked distress that is in excess of what would be expected from exposure to the stressor
significant impairment in social, occupational or educational functioning." Category: Adjust ment Disorder, Symptoms, Symptomatology Database ****************************************************
Adjustment Disorder, PsychNet-UK:"An
adjustment disorder is a debilitating reaction, usually lasting less than six months - to - a stressful event or
situation. The development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor(s)
occurring within 3 months of the onset of the stressor(s)." Category: Adjust ment Disorder, Symptoms, Symptomatology Database ****************************************************
Adjustment disorders, Psychology Information
Online:"Adjustment disorders are extremely common. A psychological adjustment disorder is characterized by the
development of emotional and/or behavioral symptoms (such as, depression, anxiety, school behavior problems,
fighting, work problems, academic problems, social conflicts or withdrawal, or physical complaints), in response
to a specific stressor or stressors within your environment.
To put it simply, if you are experiencing significant stress, and because of that stress you develop psychological
symptoms that are greater than what might be expected, given the stress, and this causes impairment in some major
life functioning, then you have an adjustment disorder. Major life functioning would include school adjustment,
work adjustment, social adjustment, legal difficulties, family adjustment or physical health." Category: Adjust ment Disorder, Symptoms, Symptomatology Database ****************************************************
Adjustment Disorder, Causes, Psychology
Today Magazine:"The cause is a life stressor. Adults usually develop adjustment disorders to stressors related
to marital discord, finances, or work. In adolescents, common stressors include school problems, family or
parents' marital problems, or sexuality issues. Other types of stressors include death of a loved one, life
changes, unexpected catastrophes, medical conditions such as cancer and subsequent treatments.
There is no way to predict which people are likely to develop adjustment disorder, given the same stressor.
Factors that influence how well a person reacts to stress may include economic conditions, availability of social
supports, and occupational and recreational opportunities. Intrapersonal susceptibility to stress may include such
factors as social skills, intelligence, genetics, and coping strategies." Category: Adjust ment Disorder, Symptoms, Symptomatology Database ****************************************************
Adjustment Disorders, Definition,"Adjustment
disorders are defined as a inability or maladaptive reaction to an identifiable stressful life event(s) /
stressor(s). ( e.g., divorce, family crises, ... ) Symptoms must occur within three months of the event(s) /
stressor(s) and persisted for no longer than six months." Category: Adjust ment Disorder, Symptoms, Symptomatology Database ****************************************************
Adjustment Disorder,
Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis,"Adjustment Disorder - "A stress-related, short-term,
non-psychotic disturbance."
Adjustment disorders are very common and can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, race, or lifestyle. It is
not the same as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Usually, an adjustment disorder is a short-lived event, typically lasting less than 6 months, unless a person is
faced with a chronic recurring crisis such as the repeated exacerbations and progression that typically occur in
multiple sclerosis." Category: Adjust ment Disorder, Symptoms, Symptomatology Database ****************************************************
strators' Attitudes Toward Hiring Disabled Nurses:"An accessible but previously untapped market for staff is
disabled registered nurses. The authors report the results of a survey sent to nursing home and hospital
administrators assessing their attitudes toward hiring disabled RNs. The differences between nurse administrators
and non-nurse administrators were significant. The authors suggest strategies to incorporate disabled nurses into
the work force." Category: Disabled Nurses, Nurses With A Disability Direct (Bedside Nursing) Patient Care Links ****************************************************
Advance For LPNs, Nursing Camp:
Successful Recruitment Strategy, By Kay Bensing, MA, RN:"Shakia Togba, a junior at William Penn High School,
Philadelphia, wants to be a nurse when she graduates from high school. In fact, she's always wanted to be a nurse.
For four days in June, during her summer vacation, she went to camp at Widener University School of Nursing,
Chester, PA--to get the real scoop about nursing as a career.
Along with 14 other campers—students from Pennsylvania and New Jersey high schools--Togba had a firsthand
opportunity to find out if her image of nursing is an accurate one." Category: Nursing Camp, Camp Nurses, ****************************************************
Advance for LPNs:"Advance for LPNs is a regional biweekly trade
publication offering content
relevant to licensed practical nurses, including jobs, career advice, clinical
articles and CE opportunities." Category: Nursing Journals, Magazines, Newsletters, ****************************************************
ADVANCE for Nurse Practitioners:"ADVANCE for Nurse
Practitioners is a leader
in the clinical literature and is consistently
recognized by peers in the health care publishing
industry with awards for editorial excellence.
For three consecutive years, the American
Society of Healthcare Publication Editors
has honored ADVANCE for Nurse Practitioners
with writing and editing awards." Category: Nursing Journals, Magazines, Newsletters, ****************************************************
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