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A Memo From A Child To A Parent, Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories:"Don't spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not
to have all I ask for, I'm only testing you. Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it, it makes me feel
secure." Category: Inspirational Poems Touching Stories ****************************************************
A Moment in Nursing, A
Changed Life, Sharon Obelsky, RN, Nursing Spectrum:"Recently I was asked, "What has been your most memorable
moment in nursing?" Many humorous moments came to mind. Of course being at all four of my grandchildren's births
was wonderful; however, the following story has really affected my whole life. I do not take for granted some
things that I may have, had I not become a nurse and had this experience.
As a long-time maternity nurse, I often hear, "Oh, maternity, that must be such a happy place to work with all
those little babies to hold and rock!" For the most part this is true; I have always loved it and would not work
in any other field of nursing. Except for other maternity nurses, though, few people know how terribly tragic it
can be, to be working when there is a fetal death, or what it's like to deal with issues of abuse, neglect, or
poverty." ****************************************************
Dec. 3, 2001: A Nurse's Viewpoint: The nursing crisis: Searching for solutions:"Reports on the crises in
nursing and their implications for patient care have essentially become daily fodder for the journalists in this
country. Our local paper recently featured a two-day, multi-page series of articles that resulted in spreading
fear among care-givers and care-recipients alike.
I receive frequent phone calls from family and friends, consumers of healthcare (e.g."patients") with sad tales
about their encounters with the healthcare system. I also have been hearing, with increasing frequency, concerns
expressed by patients, their families and friends, about potential encounters with the healthcare system. Categories: Nursing News, Nursing Shortage ****************************************************
A Nursing Primer On The Law: Being Named In A Lawsuit,
by Joe A. Flores, JD, FNP, MSN, CCRN, Malenursemagazine:"Being named in a lawsuit can be an extremely
stressful event for any nurse. The litigation process can cause devastating damage to a nurse's self-concept and
to the nurse's practice. In the past suing the hospital and the doctor were generally the usual manner to obtain
relief for someone bringing a lawsuit. However, now more than ever, the new order in the health care arena has
made the nurse an integral part of delivering care to patients. The nurse has been delegated more responsibility
and is also more accountability for the actions of licensed and unlicensed staff. This role has provided for
increased autonomy as well as increased accountability. To make matters more complicated, the nursing shortage and
limited resources have been a factor in nurses being increasingly involved in medical malpractice lawsuits." Categories: Nursing Malpractice, Case Studies and Nursing Professional Malpractice & Liability Insurance, Insurance **************************************************** A Passport to a World of Opportunities Donna M. Tozzi, RN, BSN, PA,, March 19, 2001:"Beauty. Art. Ambience. Medicine? I've always had an interest in beauty. It can be glamorous, peaceful, and make you feel good inside. How I decided to combine it with nursing still surprises me. I began to dabble in the area of beauty in college, where I had two desks in my dorm room. One desk was for nursing books and the other was for cosmetics, which I bought wholesale. Before parties or dates, a line of girls who wanted to browse through and purchase cosmetics would form outside my room. I was able to give my "customers" make-up tips because, in addition to taking nursing classes, I was working at the perfume counter at a department store and taking a course at the Westmore Academy for professional make-up artistry. From that point on, I knew that aside from being a nurse, I wanted to continue working in aesthetics as well as business." http://community.nursingspectrum .com/MagazineArticles/article.cfm?AID=3591 Category: Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurse-Owned Businesses, ****************************************************
A Picture of The Cross,
Religious Poems, Inspirational Stories:"It's the picture of violence. Yet the key to peace. A picture of
suffering. Yet the key to healing." Category: Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories, ****************************************************
A Place To Remember:"A Place To Remember is committed to publishing
and providing uplifting support materials and resources for those who have been touched by a crisis in pregnancy
or the death of a baby." Category: Mis carriages, Education & Support, Loss of A Pregnancy, Pregnancy Obstetrics & Gynecology ******************************************************
"Plumbing" Problem. Medical Jokes, Patient Humor: Category: Nursing Jokes & Medical Humor ****************************************************
Really Serious Mistake, Doctor Jokes, Medical Humor:"During the course of being interviewed by the press, the
noted famous doctor was asked by a reporter:" Category: Nursing Jokes & Medical Humor ****************************************************
A Reflection on Fasting,
Inspirational Poems, Religious Stories:"Fast from judging others,
Feast on Christ dwelling in them. Category: Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories, ****************************************************
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