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Canadian Organizations: Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada (A.N.A.C.):"Welcome to the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada (A.N.A.C.) on-line! A.N.A.C. is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that was established out of the recognition that Aboriginal people's health needs can best be met and understood by health professionals of a similar cultural background. An affiliate group of the Canadian Nurses Association, it is the only Aboriginal professional nursing organization in Canada."56 Sparks Street, Suite 502 Ottawa, ON K1P 5A9, Canada (613) 724-4677 TOLL FREE # 1-866-724-3049 E-mail address: Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Association of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (ARNNL):"The Association of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (ARNNL) is the regulatory body for nursing in Newfoundland and Labrador. Its mission is to strive for excellence in nursing, public protection, quality health care, and healthy public policy. The ARNNL was established in 1954 by the provincial government with the enactment of the Newfoundland Registered Nurses Act. Three principles guide the Association as it strives to protect the public (1) promoting good nursing practice, (2) preventing poor nursing practice, and (3) intervening when nursing practice is unacceptable." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Association of Registered Nurses of Prince Edward Island (ARNPEI):"Welcome to the Association of Registered Nurses of Prince Edward Island (ARNPEI) website. The ARNPEI is the professional organization and regulatory body for registered nurses in Prince Edward Island. In accordance with the Registered Nurses Act, anyone wishing to practice as a "registered nurse" in Prince Edward Island must be a member of the Association. Founded in 1922, ARNPEI is the largest group of health professionals in the province with approximately 1500 members." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
British Columbia Nurses' Union:"The BC Nurses' Union represents about 32,000 nurses and allied health care workers. Included are Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, Licensed Graduate Nurses, Undergraduate Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses and health care support staff." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Canadian Association for the History of Nursing (CAHN):"The mission of CAHN is to promote interest in the history of nursing and to develop scholarship in the field. CAHN is a charitable organization founded in 1987, and is an affiliate group of the Canadian Nurses Association." ******************************************************
Canadian Association of Advanced Practice Nurses (CAAPN):"CAAPN is a national Canadian organization consisting of over 500 members, mainly Advanced Practice Nurses, encompassing a multitude of specialties. The common and integral bond that links members is advanced nursing practice. All members function as advanced practice nurses or are students of advanced practice programs, generally at a master of nursing or doctorate prepared level, across Canada." Category: Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs), Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations ******************************************************
Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses:"The CACCN is a non-profit, specialty organization dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the quality of patient and family centered care by meeting educational needs of critical care nurses.
Engages and empowers nurses through education and networking to advocate for the critical care nurse.
Develops current and evidence informed standards of critical care nursing practice.
Identifies professional and political issues and provides a strong unified national voice through our partnerships.
Facilitates learning opportunities to achieve Canadian Nurses Association's certification in critical care." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Critical Care Nurses, Healthcare Organizations, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Nurses ******************************************************
Canadian Association of Hepatology Nurses (CAHN):"CAHN is a national professional organization that represents and supports nurses across Canada who practice in hepatology. Beliefs about Hepatology Nursing: * Hepatology nursing is a specialized area of nursing that has its focus on promotion of liver health, prevention of illness, and the care of clients experiencing liver related health problems and disorders. This specialty addresses a variety of diseases and disorders of the liver including viral, genetic, and metabolic." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care:"The Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (CANAC) is a national professional nursing organization committed to fostering excellence in HIV/AIDS nursing, promoting the health, rights and dignity of persons affected by HIV/AIDS and to preventing the spread of HIV infection.
CANAC's members hail from all regions of Canada working in clinical practice, education, research and/or administration. We have a proud history of working in collaboration with other nursing organizations and with the international HIV/AIDS community. Volunteerism and solidarity with those affected by HIV/AIDS are the heart and soul of our organization." Category: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and HIV, Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Infectious Diseases, Viral & Bacterial, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Canadian Family Practice Nursing Association (CFPNA):"In June 2008, CFPNA became the 40th emerging associate nursing group of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA). Recognition of CFPNA as an emerging group is the first formal step in the process required to develop a national certification program for family practice/primary health care nurses in Canada." Category: Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs), Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses:"An associate group of the Canadian Nurses' Association (CNA), we are a national voice for psychiatric and mental health (PMH) nursing. Our objectives are to: Assure national leadership in the development and application of nursing standards that inform and affect psychiatric and mental health nursing practice.
Examine and influence government policy, and address national issues related to mental health and mental illness.
Communicate and collaborate with national and international groups that share our professional interests.
Facilitate excellence in psychiatric and mental health nursing by providing our members with educational and networking resources.
Formed in 1988, the Federation pioneered national credentialing in psychiatric and mental health nursing and achieved CNA certification status seven years later." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations, Psychiatric Nurses ******************************************************
Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions:"A National Voice For Nurses: A Voice With Power. Protecting the health of patients and our national health system, and promoting nurses and the nursing profession at the national level - and doing it effectively - is the job of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions. We pressure the federal government to recognize the professional skills and knowledge that nurses bring to our jobs. We also push them to recognize the caring, human touch nurses bring which is so important to patients' healing. We work to make sure nurses' and patients' priorities are reflected in health and budgetary policy and when national politicians talk "health." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations, Nursing Unions, Organized Labor ******************************************************
Canadian Holistic Nurses Association:"Every individual is a whole and unitary human being with an energy field which is in process with the environmental energy field. When human beings participate consciously in change, we believe they tap into their potential for healing and well being.
We believe that a nursing conceptual framework based on human environmental field theory is the foundation for holistic nursing practice." Category: Alternative, Therapies, Canadian Nursing Associations, Health, Wellness, Alternative Medicine, Healthcare Organizations, Holistic Nursing, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Canadian Intravenous Nurses Association:"We are a national association with representation in each Canadian province and the Territories. Our membership has also extended to the United States, United Kingdom, and other parts of Europe." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Intravenous (IV) & Infusion Drug Therapy, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Canadian Nurses Association - l'Association des infirmičres et infirmiers du Canada:"The Canadian Nurses Association is a federation of 11 provincial and territorial nursing associations representing more than 120,000 registered nurses." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Canadian Nurses Foundation (CNF):"The Canadian Nurses Foundation(CNF) was founded in 1962 by the Canadian Nurses Association.
Canadian Nurses Foundation supports world-class Canadian health care by raising funds to advance nursing knowledge and research, and by recognizing professional excellence in Canada's nurses. Our Mission: To advance nursing knowledge and improve health care by providing research grants, awards, and scholarships to Canadian nurses and nursing students. We raise funds for our activities through diverse partnerships with responsible organizations and individuals who share our goals." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Canadian Nurses Protective Society (CNPS):"The Canadian Nurses Protective Society (CNPS®) is a non-profit society, owned and operated by nurses for nurses, that offers legal liability protection related to nursing practice to eligible Registered Nurses, by providing information, education, and financial and legal assistance." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations, Nursing Professional Malpractice & Liability Insurance ******************************************************
Canadian Nursing Students Association:"The Canadian Nursing Students Association (CNSA) is the voice of nursing students in Canada. For over thirty years, CNSA has represented the interests of nursing students to federal, provincial, and international governments and to other nursing and health care organizations." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations, Nursing Students ******************************************************
Canadian Occupational Health Nurses Association (COHNA):"Occupational Health Nurses practice in the specialty of Occupational Health and Safety, delivering integrated occupational health and safety services to individual workers and worker populations. Occupational health nursing encompasses the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health and the prevention of illness and injury.
In Canada, Occupational Health Nurses are registered nurses holding a diploma or degree in nursing as well as a variety of additional qualifications and experience. Occupational Health Nurses may also have a certificate, diploma or degree in Occupational Health and Safety from a community college or university. Nurses who are certified in occupational health nursing have met specific eligibility requirements, passed a written exam and have met a national standard of competency in Occupational Health. In Canada, expertise unique to this speciality is recognized with the initials COHN(C), granted by the Canadian Nurses Association. The initials COHN or COHN(S) recognize US certification. These are marks of distinction for occupational health nursing excellence." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Canadian Orthopaedic Nurses Association:"The Canadian Orthopaedic Nurses Association believes that nurses who provide care to individuals with neuromuscular and skeletal disorders require a specific body of knowledge and skills to deliver the highest standard of care.
We believe that this knowledge is acquired, maintained and advanced through basic knowledge, continuing education, practice and research." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Canadian Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates (CSGNA):"The CSGNA is a special interest group representing gastroenterology nurses from across Canada. The association includes endoscopy nurses, other health care professionals and workers in the field of gastroenterology, endoscopy or a related field." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA):"The College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta serves the public by regulating registered nurses in order to promote and support safe, competent, ethical nursing care and providing progressive, innovative leadership that encourages professional excellence and influences health policy." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO):"The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) is the governing body for the 145,000 registered nurses (RNs), registered practical nurses (RPNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) in Ontario, Canada.
The College regulates nursing to protect the public interest and sets requirements to enter the profession, establishes and enforces standards of nursing practice, and assures the quality of practice of the profession and the continuing competence of nurses. Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia:"CRNBC's mandate is to ensure that all individuals seeking entry to practice and maintaining registration are competent and ethical professionals. The College does this by setting standards, supporting registered nurses to meet standards and acting if standards are not met." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba:"The College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (the College) exists to protect the public. We do this by setting standards for registered nursing practice, supporting registered nurses in meeting the standards and taking action when the standards are not met. Here are some of the ways we do our work:" Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia:" On January 2, 2002, a new Registered Nurses Act came into effect changing the name of the Registered Nurses' Association of Nova Scotia to the College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia (CRNNS). The College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia is the regulatory body for nursing in Nova Scotia. Its mission or purpose is to regulate the practice of nursing in the public interest. The College's core regulatory functions are to:
set the educational requirements for those entering the nursing profession;
issue annual licences to qualified applicants to practise nursing;
establish and improve standards for nurses' practice;
enhance the continuing competence of nurses; and,
review and take appropriate action on complaints about nurses' practice or behavior." ******************************************************
Nurses Association of New Brunswick:"The Association is a professional regulatory organization that exists to protect the public and to support nurses by promoting and maintaining standards for nursing education and practice, and by advocating for healthy public policy." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Ordre des infirmieres et infirmirs du Quebec (OIIQ): Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO):"The Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) is the professional association representing registered nurses in Ontario. It is the strong, credible voice leading the nursing profession to influence and promote healthy public policy." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Registered Nurses Association of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut:"The Registered Nurses Association of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut is the regulatory and professional body for Registered Nurses in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut established in 1975 by the Nursing Profession Act. It's purpose is to register nurses for practice in the NWT and Nunavut for the benefit and protection of the public, and to promote the standards of nursing practice and education. The Association deals with issues such as registration, professional conduct, education and nursing practice." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association:"The Saskatchewan Registered Nurses' Association (SRNA), established in 1917 by provincial legislation, is the professional, self-regulatory body for the province's approximately 9,100 nurses. The Registered Nurses Act (1988) describes the SRNA's mandate in setting standards of education and practice for the profession and registering nurses to ensure competent nursing care for the public." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Urology Nurses of Canada (UNC):"This site features urological related information that will appeal to medical professionals and the general public." Category: Canadian Nursing Associations, Healthcare Organizations, Nursing Associations ******************************************************
Yukon Registered Nurses Association:"YRNA is the regulatory body and professional association for registered nurses in the Yukon. YRNA is responsible for establishing and promoting standards of practice for registered nurses, for regulating nursing practice and for advancing professional excellence. YRNA speaks out on health care issues, advocating for the development of healthy public policy in the interest of the public." ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn,Twitter, etc. (Most Invites Accepted): ******************************************************"In this Nursing Portal you'll find information on Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nurse Degrees, CNAs, LPNs, RNs, Travel Nursing, Prescriptions Drugs, Medications, Nursing Associations and much more." ******************************************************" Touching Poems, and Inspiring stories that touch the heart and occasionally bring a tear to your eye. Affection, Ambition, Angels In Our Lives, Animals, Babies, Bereavement, Caring, Caring, Children, Christian Stories, Christmas, Computers & The Internet, Death, Dependability, Determination, Dying, Easter, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), End of Life, Etc., Friendship, God's Creatures, Grief, Holiday Thoughts, Honesty, Hospice Poems, etc." ****************************************************** (Former home to the Journal of Nursing Jocularity (JNJ)):"Nursing & Medical Humor. Find hundreds of jokes and links to sites that will make you smile. Therapeutic Humor Associations, Battle of the Sexes, Bedside Nursing Humor, Brain Teasers, Clowning, Clowns, Therapeutic Humor & Comedy Links, Dental Humor, Emergency Department Humor, General Nursing Humor, Geriatrics, Senior Citizen, etc." ******************************************************"This website is intended to be a resource for Legal Nurse Consultants, Attorneys looking to use their services, and nurses looking to enter the field of Legal Nurse Consulting. On our site you'll find a directory of LNCs by state and specialty." ******************************************************"Nursing-Approved Healthcare & Consumer Resources: In this Nursing Portal you'll find information on Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nurse Degrees, LPNs, RNs, APNs, Nursing Associations and much more." ******************************************************"It is our intent for this Alphabetical, A to Z index to be a comprehensive listing (In Progress) of Nursing-related resources on the Internet. It is indexed by Google and fully searchable." ******************************************************"Welcome to Here you will find information on all aspects of Diabetes, a disease that afflicts millions of
people world wide. I'll be adding pages as fast as I can research the information so remember to bookmark this page and return." ******************************************************"This website will be a portal to Nursing Discussion boards throughout the Web. If your site has a discussion board we don't have listed here, please contact us." ******************************************************"Nationwide Nursing resource to nurse entrepreneurs looking to nework and start home based businesses. On it you will find links to small and large business related resources." ******************************************************"Nursing & Medical Humor. Find hundreds of jokes and links to sites that will make you smile. Therapeutic Humor Associations, Battle of the Sexes, Bedside Nursing Humor, Brain Teasers, Clowning, Clowns, Therapeutic Humor & Comedy Links, Dental Humor, Emergency Department Humor, General Nursing Humor, Geriatrics, Senior Citizen, etc."
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Created on April 24, 1999 Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 |
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